Environmental health care – Mitigation


The key role of environmental health care is the implementation of legislation and control related to environmental health in the area of a municipality. In other words, the operation consists mainly of controlling and follow-up that does not cause notable greenhouse gas emissions. As such, chemical control is only responsible for the control of health hazards related to chemicals so it does not get involved in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Saving energy and improving energy efficiency is important in all operations

Also in environmental health care, the most important mitigation means are aimed at reducing the energy consumption of operations and improving energy efficiency as well as reducing emissions caused by passenger traffic and transportations. Since it helps reduce transportations, improving logistics is important. Procurements should take environmental issues into consideration and all operations should aim to reduce waste.

Guidance and instructions for the climate change mitigation measures

Environmental health care should cater for environmental considerations in all its contacts and assume an active role of teacher and information officer in climate change mitigation. In connection to other counselling and instructions, business operators and local residents can be provided instructions related to climate change mitigation activities. Emphasising energy saving and energy efficiency is particularly important.

Mitigation measures in food safety and residential health

Municipal food control monitors the manufacture, transport, storage, export, import, sales, marketing, serving and other delivery of food. In addition to control, each item of the chain can also cater for climate change mitigation: for example, cold storage equipment must be energy efficient and transports well-planned.

In many cases, protection of residential health is related to the improvement of ventilation to avoid mould problems. However, it is of key importance that air-conditioning be adjusted so that consumption of energy remains moderate.

Sources [1], [2] 

  • Säily, S. 2004. Kunnan toimialojen mahdollisuudet liikenteen kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen hallintaan. (The possibilities of municipal operations to control greenhouse gas emissions of road traffic. Abstract in English.) Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikan laitos. Tutkimusraportti 55. 142 s. http://www.tut.fi/verne/wp-content/uploads/tutkimusraportti55.pdf
  • ABB. Lehdistötiedote 2.11.2009. Energiatehokkuuskilpailu 2009: Ilmanvaihdon optimoinnilla säästöjä ja vähemmän päästöjä. HKR-Rakennuttajan innovatiivinen ratkaisu helposti monistettavissa. Ilmanvaihdon optimoinnilla säästöjä Helsingissä. http://www.abb.fi/cawp/seitp202/CC09DE59F9B50752C12576620028AD93.aspx

